In light of the Hungarian Craft Beer revolution that began from Budapest, we might be stating the obvious when we say: the country’s capital boasts the highest density of breweries in the country. It is home to three of the largest beer factories and an almost countless amount of micro- and craft beer breweries.
If you are wondering where your favorite craft beers are brewing, scroll on!

1. Rizmajer Brewery
One of the oldest Budapest craft beer companies can be found in the city’s outskirts. Rizmajer was born deep in the heart of Hungarian Motor City, in Csepel district during the free market of the 90s like hundreds of its peers. Unlike most however, the Csepel brewery managed to survive the old millennia and keeps chugging on in the frontlines of affordable craft beer brands.
Rizmajer brewery location:

Most famous beers:
Raspberry Wheat Beer, Cingulus Porter, Cortez Corn Beer

2. Horizont Brewing
A much younger but not less respectable brewery, Horizont is a proud representative of the Budapest craft beer elite in quality and in reputation alike. International awards by the dozen embellish the walls of their offices in Kőbánya.
In terms of presentation, these guys represent a more mature tone as well: each of their labels showcases the work of a contemporary Hungarian artist, separating them from a sea of loony illustrations and ridiculous titles.
Horizont brewery location:

Most Famous Beers:
Gentle Bastard, Hazy Queen, Easy A

3. Mad Scientist
The scientists brew their dangerous liquids next door to Horizont, at Főzdepark (Brewery Park) in Budapest’s the 10th district. The Park has been home to 4 of the city’s most prominent breweries since 2013 and although the quartet became a trio in the summer of 2021, Mad keeps working on its plans of world domination to this day.
An important destination of these plans has been the opening of MadHouse bar in the middle of the city center. The freshest way to try their brews however is in the park, straight from the barrels.
Mad Scientist brewery location:

Most Famous Beers:
Jam 72, Liquid Cocaine, Monkey Temple

4. HopTop Brewery
Although the smallest of the three brothers in Főzdepark, HopTop brewery has nothing to be ashamed of, what they lack in size and age they certainly make up for in quality. Since 2015 unpasteurized, unfiltered beer specialties come out of their domain to the joy of Budapest craft beer aficionados everywhere.
You can often find a HopTop specialty on one of Élesztő’s 30 taps, but you might also get lucky at the local grocery store with a Tropical IPA.
HopTop brewery location:

Most Famous Beers:
Tropical Swinger Club IPA, Uluru Australian Wheat, Baklava Pastry Bock

5. Monyo
The big brother who grew out of the family home and went looking for a new one. The “Monyos” didn’t wander that far from the turf though: a few blocks away from Főzdepark is their new HQ which they supplemented with a massive open-air music venue in classic Monyo fashion.
They use the same uncompromisingly playful spirit in brewing to create effortless, delicious and always peak performance beers. It’s no wonder so many of their classics are regulars at Élesztő.
MONYO brewery location:

Most Famous Beers:
Flying Rabbit, Sour Rise, American Beauty

6. HaraPunk
A small but all the more ambitious group is standing behind this relentlessly rebellious brand. Balázs and Marci have been homebrewing fanatics since 2009 using their own kitchens to brew the first batches. The first HaraPunk beers hit the market a few years later and recently, they launched their very own gin line also.
Old habits die hard though and today the HaraPunk guys manage their own BrewStudio in Élesztőház where they teach the secrets of homebrewing to brave applicants.
HaraPunk brewery location:

They don’t have one – like cuckoos, the boys are brewing in various partner-breweries around Budapest
Most Famous Beers:
Son of a Bitch, Managoo, HUPA

7. Fehér Nyúl
Meaning white rabbit, the team makes their magic happen from the 9th district of Budapest in their very own rabbit hole, fuelled by Lewis Carroll-y visions.
However, this wonderland comes from the darker part of the imagination: black stouts and heavy IPAs come out of their world which you can often get a taste of in Élesztő. If you dare to go straight down the hole, their Taproom is a great source to tap into.
Fehér Nyúl brewery location:

Most Famous Beers:
Fehér Nyúl IPA, RAFA, White Passion

8. FIRST The Craft Beer Co.
Don’t let yourself be deceived by the name, First is not the first Hungarian Craft Beer brewery but it’s certainly one of the most famous. Going against the tide of rebellion in the Budapest Craft Beer scene, their beers fit neatly in the cooler of your average beer drinker. They place emphasis on reliability, and solidly high-quality brews that rarely go beyond the 4-5% alc. vol. threshold. The originality of craft beers combined with the confident predictability of a megabrewery.
This doesn’t mean they can’t go experimental, though: First’s seasonal beers and special batches can easily stand their ground against the wildest of brews out there.
FIRST brewery location:

Most Famous Beers:
Fehér Nyúl IPA, RAFA, White Passion

+1 Reketye Brewing
Though technically not based within city limits we just couldn’t leave the brewery that had so many of their beers on our taps. Operating just outside the borders of Budapest since the dawn of the craft beer movement in 2014, Reketye is a true pioneer of the craft. They were the first craft beer company that offered their beers in cans Hungary.
With a peculiarly personal tone (coming from founder-owner Zoltán Reketye) and storytelling beers, they’ve shown a new way in the Budapest Craft Beer market.
Reketye brewery location:

Most Famous Beers:
Heavy Daddy, Pop My Cherry, Dr Banghard
butcher’s kitchen 
spirit bar
vino piano 
rengeteg romkafé
brew studio 

the Élesztőház
World-class watering hole and independent craft beer tavern
We are a petfriendly place!
02/What’s inside?
03/Who We Are?
04/Life in Élesztőház
opening hours
su, m: 15:00-01:00
tu, w: 15:00-02:00
th, f, sa: 15:00-03:00
butcher’s kitchen:
m-s: 15:00-0:00
(sunday, monday off)
tu-sa : 17:00-1:00
(sunday off)
tu-Sa: 16:00-0:00
rengeteg romkafé:
m-f: 15:00-22:00
Sa-su: 10:00-22:00

1094 budapest tűzoltó street 22.